Melinda Gates on education

From an article by Melinda Gates:

“Never before has this country had such an opportunity to remake the way we teach young people. One reason I am so optimistic about these developments is because, after decades of diffuse reform efforts, they all zero in on the most important ingredient of a great education: effective teachers. The key to helping students learn is making sure that every child has an effective teacher every single year.”

Title of article:   Education reform, one classroom at a time

By Melinda French Gates

Source: The Washington Post, February 19, 2010,

My reflections:

Anyone who has a child in school realizes the importance of focusing on great teachers.  I have two kids going to a small school at Trivandrum.  Luckily, they love their school and teachers.  But they have a long way to go to complete their schooling, and I hope they will continue to get good teachers.

It is nice to see that there is a renewed understanding about the importance of getting the priorities right in educational reforms. Some signs are there in India too, but it is still too dim.  We really need to focus on the teachers.  Teaching, after all, is a process of interaction between human beings.

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